I have presented you with my ideas and comments about media bias, deception, propaganda… Wanting to get your readership and attention I concentrated on what is in my point of you the most frustrating in today’s media. I was blind! Dear readers, there is lots and lots of problems in the media world I could have never dreamt about! Thus, for a little enlightenment I listed interesting blogs by my classmates fully available to educate you and inform in various media diseases. After you learn how to be immune to them, don’t forget to come back for your regular vaccine against media bias virus. They say it is an epidemic…
Have you ever wanted to become a reporter and make coverage of political events, crisis, natural disasters? Have you ever dreamed about writing a novel? Anh’s blog will show you how impossible becomes reality. See http://anhluong88.wordpress.com/ Anh Luong’s interesting blog discusses the issue of user-generated content. Anh has done a brilliant job in providing information about various channels that provide us with news by people like us. I think it is very relevant topic in times when youtube and Wikipedia are among our closest friends. Also it raises a lot of interesting questions about the future of the media, news coverage and journalism itself.
Is the media responsible for our „deindividuation“? Check Danijela Demarin’s blog to see more on this phenomenon that hypothesize about the influence of the media on our lives and on us as individuals. Can we ever be truly unique and individual or is it inevitable to be part of the mass? Learn more here: http://deindividuation.blogspot.com/
Is your boyfriend/girlfriend islamophobic? Have you ever seen/heard something positive about Muslims, Arabs and Islam (apart from the economic growth)? Well, Martina Složilová’s blog gives you videos, articles and life story examples of negative portrayals of Muslims in western media. This page is one of my favorite. MLS’s input should be more visible to as many people we can get there. We don’t need to give up our fear of terrorist attacks to tolerate Muslims as equals, if we just for a minute forget what the media coverage cries out loud and read couple or Martina’s posts here http://muslimedia-mls.blogspot.com/.

Tired of being yelled at because of being JUST a woman? Misha’s blog writes about gender roles in today’s society and their mediated versions. I have found her articles about stereotyping and media depictions of gender roles much applicable to our society. It is important to stop and realize how does the media depict females and males, what might be the consequences and how does it relate to reality. If you want to do that I highly recommend you Misha Baginová’s blog, here http://stereotypinginmedia.blogspot.com/.
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